Monday, June 16, 2014

HOWW - Uncontrolled Urination

Interesting weaknesses make interesting characters. I decided to make a few character sketches based on a character having only one, peculiar weakness. Here's the first one.

His Only Weakness Was  --Uncontrolled Urination
His only weakness was uncontrolled urination. It started after the tractor accident. He tended to not drink any more than he had to, which meant never. And if he was going to be someplace nice, then he wore a diaper. He didn’t want the diaper to be noticeable, so he pulled out some of the stuffing so it wouldn’t stick out so much. They were easy to change. People thought he was straight edge, since he always refused a beer or a cocktail. But he made up for it in other ways. He was not straight edge. He just didn’t want to piss his pants in front of everyone. He had seen more than a dozen specialists, all with the same confounding disappointment. In  a rash moment of frustration he threatened himself to cut off his device, knowing full well that that was not the problem.  He, and the doctors, knew full well that the problem was in internal sphincter that governed his ability to write his name in the snow. They knew it, but had no way of fixing it. One doctor suggested that the problem was neural and that the nerve to the valve was fried and he should have an experimental surgery. Another prescribed drinking tons of fluids in order to retrain the valve. That turned out to be a messy idea that required him to change all the carpets in his apartment.  A third suggested that the problem was in his psyche, that he needed to regain control of his life, since he always felt a victim:  his parents, three older brothers, several bossy girlfriends. He was a pushover. He knew it.  Though, knowing it is far worse than not knowing it. He wished he didn’t believe that he was a pushover.  He wanted to believe that he was powerful, courageous, in control. One time, he tried to act that way. Nobody responded. They were used to not taking him seriously, so they didn’t.  He did not have control. Not at work. Not with his family. Not with his own body. His body was his, wasn’t it? He owned it, or at least was given custody of it. But he could not stop the leaking even if he focused, or prayed or cried. 

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